Saturday, July 20, 2013

Crawling Distance

"Slept" at 2AM Thursday, with my flight at 7AM, meaning I had to be at the airport by 5.  The Tube doesn't run that early, meaning I had to get a cab.  Booked it in advance, costing me £30.  But of course come 430AM, the cab calls to say that roads are closed and this and that.  I'm confused, and Tom's about to kill me because I woke him up to tell the cab driver where to go.  Now, what the hell kind of cab is this? Uggghhh it was so frustrating, but I just grabbed my shit and ran outside walked up and down the street for a bit and finally say it turn down a street and chased it down.  It was about a 15 minute drive to Terminal 5, and then crashing in through there no desks were open yet.  Now, I didn't have my REF #. BECAUSE I booked my flight through another agency, and not directly through British Airways I had to get there first before checking bags etc.  I met a fellow American who was in the same boat.  Who would have thought out of all the people in this jumbled crowd of people I happen to ask him what the hell is going on? Hah, well he was a real pal, Kyle.  Just finishing an internship that was in London, going home to Boston. After I had to check in my backpack (lame) he was waiting after security check and we grabbed a coffee.  aka HE grabbed a coffee and I took refuge with a large cup of water. He was so nice, and gave me one of his extra sandwiches, I believe he had stayed with family, so he took advantage of the grub :P  I hadn't eaten anything yet, wasn't sure if I felt sick because of the vodka just 5 hours ago, or when the taxi was lost and then drove like a bat outta hell, or if I was getting butterflies before runnin north to Sweden.  Whatever it was, the sandwich helped.  

Did I mention I the ONE thing I left in the middle of my room back home was my headphones? God, what a fucking drag. So I burned £11 for a pair at the airport...

Finally arriving in Stockholm, the first thing I felt steppin off the plane was... fresh. Yeah, as smelly and disgusting as I was, this airport was ridiculously clean, it was nice.  Whatever, I think to myself, and when I get to the doors (note- plural) which have handles, they're all motionactivated. ALL motion activated... Okay.. buy my train ticket to Stockholm Central to meet Fernando 130kr (about 20 USD), pass more shiny clear as day motion doors to - shut up - motion activated escalators.  Maybe I've just been living under some heavy fucking rocks, cause I was the largest goon that morning walking back and forth between 3 escalators because I couldn't tell which went DOWN, because they were ALL just dead stop til you walked up they'd start moving.  Star Trek much? -_- Cheesus Christ, the station itself was covered in faux-rock and had nature bird chirping noise playing.. What the hell is this? The Peter Pan ride at Disneyland? 

Arlanda Station

Stockholm Central

Anyhow, you get the picture.  It was about a 20 minute ride, and stumbled off to meet - my cousin's boyfriend's best friend Fernando. haha, try saying that 10x fast. No, don't. I don't care.  Anyhow, like the good strong man he is, he helped lift my backpack and we began to walk back to his apartment to drop off said-backpack.  But first, we did grab lunch in Old Town, his treat.  That was a toasty heaven.

Fernando pondering horses

View crossing the bridge

It was a very hot day, I must have brought the sun with me, but with all the water and hills was a nice breeze from time to time.  It saved us... or else I'm sure my jeans were becoming a part of my skin because I was sweating so much, yes gross.  Grabbed some beers and wine because you can't purchase it after 5 or 6pm here and hung out on his balcony while I kind of just figured out my things and all that. It has a sweet view on the 5th floor. 

Dinner for 75 krons (11USD) saved half for breakfast.

Met up with some of Fernando's friends at this bar called Garlic & Shots.  Around the corner and down the street, I met Linda, Anthony, Annalie, and a fellow visitor Marije from Holland.  A real nice group of people, outgoing and interesting.


The Bridget Jones Game

Marije making a proper toast

Done hanging outside, we made our way downstairs where the decor was highly moto-related, old signs, license plates, photos etc.  Def felt homey and just chatted away.  Danced with Annalie and Anthony for a minute and then just got plain ol drunk.  Welcome to Stockholm.


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